Monday, December 7, 2009

My Family

About 5 years ago we had our last family picture taken. Wow have things changed since then. Three weddings, Nine more grandchildren (with one on the way), and lots more wrinkles!! We were all together for Thanksgiving this year with the exception of our sweet nephew Kyler - who spent Thanksgiving with his mother. Hopefully I can figure out how to photoshop him in one of the pictures. I think it turned out pretty good for as many people were supposed to be looking at the camera. I am so Thankful for my family. We always have such a fun time when we are together. I wish we all lived closer so we can get together more often. I am Thankful for my Parents raising us up right and for all the sacrifices they made for us. So here is my Beautiful Family(if I do say so myself)!




Unknown said...

How fun! I just love your family! I am glad you could all be together and capture such sweet memories! --Tashie
(didn't realize I was signed in as CaitlyN!

Becca said...

There are soo many of us..

Anonymous said...

Great job I love them. My internet is finally working properly again so now it's time for catch up! :) I love the picture of all your siblings too very COOL!!!

Unknown said...

tão bonitinhos eles com olhos azuis e brilhantes.