Thursday, October 30, 2008

Mentoring session

I was a bit nervous to post these pictures because I was in a little mentoring session with a couple other girls, but Kellee told me I should. Kellee was there telling us how to pose and the best settings to put our cameras on. When you know (or are told) what you are doing the pictures actually turn out wonderful. The girls we were with were a little jealous of me because I get to work with Kellee all the time. I am so excited every time I get to go take pictures with her and she is so patient with me. Thanks Kellee for this opportunity of a lifetime!! Love Ya!! Here are a few of my favorites.


Hi Kellee!

Everyone needs to go check out her Website


Lundberg Family said...

You took all those pictures Celeste? They are great!!! You are developing a new hobby! You'll have to give me some insights someday. I suppose it would help having a decent camera. What do you suggest? Good Job...they are awesome. I love the background.

Celeste Russell said...

Thanks Tashie,
I have a Fuji S3, and Kellee uses Nikon which are compatible. I think it is mostly preference. I bought Kellee's old camera. I am having lots of fun!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome job Celeste. They are SO GREAT!!!!!!!

Shine said...

ah cute! thanks for stoppin in on my blog! now i have yours too! i love the behind the scenes pictures.....can i steal them? It was so fun meeting you I hope we get to shoot again together sometime!