Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Willows

WOW! What a fun time we had at the Willows! My Friend Torrie came to visit from California and My other friend Heidi invited us to stay at her families house in Samaria Idaho! It is known to the locals as "THE WILLOWS". It was a perfect place to visit and let the kids run and not worry about what time we had to be home. It was so fun to see Torrie and her kids - Gracie, Maddie, Cole, and Ty. It is amazing how you can just pick up where you left off. It has been 2 years since we have seen her. We all added one more to our pack of kids, the older kids just keep getting smarter, and we wonder what will happen the next year.?! Maybe next year we will go visit her - if she wants 10 extra guests!!

Kody was taking a few steps before we went, but something about the open grass kids everywhere made him just take off! Now he is almost running!

Ty woke up every morning and put his suit on and didn't take it off until bed. He has so much fun in the water.

Rylee got a few bug bites on her face and we put cream on them. Doesn't she look so sad and cute at the same time. I think I might just want to bite her bottom lip.

Torrie and her kids - Maddie, Cole, Ty, Gracie

Here is the whole pack. Ty, Gracie, Maddie, Ty, Rylee, Kody, Brayden(behind Kody), Cole, Boston, Shianna

We were all pregnent at the same time with Maddie, Ty, and Brayden. Ty was Aug. and Maddie, and Brayden were Sept. They are all 5

Rylee and Cole were also born about a month apart 3 years ago.

Boston was born in December, Kody was born in June, and TY was born in July.
See boys - The drama starts early with the girls!! They were laughing at her because she was crying. She was so tired!


Whetton Family said...

Your blog looks great! I loved seeing the pictures of Beautiful Stockton! It made me a little home sick! It's a fun place isn't it! Man I am so jealous! Oh well 2 more years! Your kids are so cute!

Greg Becky said...

I'm glad that you finally got back on the computer. Cute pics, I think I am coming to the reunion! Love ya.

Becca said...

Cute pics, looks like you guys have been busy! I am not sure if we are coming to reunion or not we hope so.
give everyone hugs for us.

Anonymous said...

Hey Celeste you are better than me at updating. Going to try today. Thanks again we all had a great time with you and Heidi next time I won't be so crouchy. Ugh. Now you know why I don't like getting my picture taken. lol